
jonathan david fuentes salas


Writer, reader, cinephile, languages lover, volunteer in social campaigns and paralegal in Social Justice Collaborative. My passion for social affairs can be traced back to my writings; I have written more than 40 theatre plays, some of them about hunger, poverty, genre equality, education and other social issues.

I am from Mexico City, but have traveled for Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador collecting experiences and stories from very different people and that is what I print in my theatre plays. Also, in some of these regions I have worked in social programs for helping and educating people, children and adults alike.

Outside the office I like to learn and practice languages because it is a way to discover new realities and cultures. Currently I speak English, French, Italian, Japanese, a bit of Nahuatl and Spanish, of course. Nowadays I´m learning Mam, because I want to make my work better as a paralegal.

Now, I make my best to contribute with my experience and knowledge to keep helping people at SJC.