get involved



If you’re in law school or working on your undergraduate degree and are interested in immigration law, we can provide a meaningful learning experience for you. We have work-study contracts with many schools in the Bay Area and work with your school to offer credit.We require a minimum commitment of one semester, at 15 hours a week. Interns will perform a variety of tasks, including researching emerging issues, writing briefs, and working directly with clients on cases.


Pro bono opportunities

SJC provides a range of ways for pro bono attorneys to get involved in immigration work. From big firms to in-house counsel, SJC encourages pro bono attorneys and other legal staff to volunteer their time and compassion to help SJC achieve its mission. SJC offers both limited and full-scope cases, and provides training and mentorship throughout.

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Court Accompaniment

Accompaniment programs can make a real difference in our immigration system. Accompaniment helps stop deportations, reduce bond fees, and keep families together.

By volunteering to accompany SJC clients to immigration court hearings, you are showing solidarity and helping to ease the anxiety of interacting with the legal system, and as well as playing a crucial role in humanizing the immigrant inside of the bureaucracy. Accompaniment also serves to keep judges accountable to the community.

SJC invites the community to support our clients through accompaniment. Most of these are asylum cases, which involve highly confidential facts and claims. We give our clients the option to have community members accompany them to court, and if they opt in, we may contact you.  Hearings are usually between 2-4 hours and are located in San Francisco Immigration Court. Keep in mind, hearings can be cancelled the day before or day-of, with little or no notice. We will do our best to communicate with you if that happens.

No non-English language fluency required.

In our immigration system that often results in unjust outcomes, accompaniment programs can make a real difference. Read this article from Mother Jones about why accompaniment matters.


SJC is seeking new board members to join its growing board of directors. SJC’s board is a diverse group of passionate members of the community who care deeply about SJC’s mission.

To demonstrate interest in joining the board and to learn more about the opportunity, click the link below.