We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit protecting the rights of refugees who are being targeted by the US government.

Some of the most vulnerable immigrants seek out help at SJC because they do not know where else to turn to. They depend on us to help from start to finish, we finish the hardest cases from the start.

Your Contribution in Action: See Your Donation at Work!

Your support allows us to protect, advocate for, and stand alongside those who have come to call this country home.


While SJC’s operations have been impacted due to COVID-19, our innovations have kept our programs fully functional. Read more about how we have responded to COVID-19.



SJC's mission is to ensure that low-income immigrant communities at risk of deportation are provided with comprehensive, direct, and high-quality legal services that are culturally competent, at little to no cost.

We provide vital legal services to around 1500 families each year.


Take Action

We rely on your contributions to provide free and low cost representation in court. Your donations go directly to supporting our programs.



We encourage lawyers, legal staff, and students to get involved in the work of social justice. You can make a huge difference in the life of an immigrant family by getting involved! Learn more about the various opportunities we offer- from half-day workshops to semester-long internships.