January 1st, 2024

There’s a growing issue affecting many immigrants from Central America; language barriers in immigration proceedings. Indigenous languages have become prominent in immigration courts, posing a significant challenge for those seeking asylum due to violence in their home communities.

Social Justice Collaborative Searching for Partners in Its Mission to Protect Migrant and Refugee Rights

August 21, 2023

SJC is featured in Business Insider, in an article that highlights SJC’s impactful work and also a significant moment in their ongoing mission to protect immigrant communities.

immigration court

Inside the chaos of immigration court

September 2020

Journalist Gabriel Thompson interviews our Founders Emily Abraham and Gautam Jagannath for Longreads

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Coronavirus Crisis Could Mean Minors Get Deported

May 6, 2020

SJC’s Executive Director, Gautam Jagannath, and our Legal Director, Emily Abraham, interviewed by NBC News for their article about having hearings postponed for young clients, meaning they could run out of time and face deportation if their cases are further delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Oakland’s growing Mayan community: “I can hear people speak Mam in every corner.”

September 7, 2018

SJC’s Interpreter and Paralegal, Cristina Mendoza, interviewed by Tatiana Sanchez from The Mercury News’ Bay Area News Group for her article about how the Maya Mam language is positioning in the region and how SJC is adapting to fit into that evolution to maintain a high win rate for more clients who speak that language.

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Massive Backlog of Cases Saddle San Francisco Immigration Court

May 4, 2015 

NBC News features SJC for a short article about the NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit discovering that immigrants trying to work within the legal system are getting stuck in a huge and growing backlog.

For Survivors of Domestic Violence, Gaining Asylum Just Got Tougher

July 4th, 2018

SJC’s Founder and Legal Director, Emily Abraham, interviewed by East Bay Express for their article about how backlogs make asylum cases harder to navigate when you face an already slow and complex immigration system.